If it wasn't for humanity's need of rescue, there wouldn't be much fascination with heroes. And nothing packs a theatre like succeeding against impossible odds. But if the truth be known, Hollywood's best productions still miss the mark by comparison to the greatest story ever told, as found in the Bible's prophetic books.
While most of us are familiar with passages regarding the "Lamb that was slain" for the sin of the world, what's more disconcerting is the notion of the "Lion that will reign" for those who resist accountability to the Divine. But as students of history, we have a high degree of confidence that this generation will soon have a ring-side seat to the "real" return of the King, and the consummation of history.
As such, this site is devoted to preparing our generation for the Millennial Kingdom. And this month we recommend the following commentaries for your consideration:
In closing, we didn't want to miss the chance to encourage visitors to keep looking-up. The Lord's return and the rapture that precedes it were promised to the generation living at the time Israel was reborn in 1948.
And by our best estimates, we can now place a not-to-exceed marker in the Fall of 2010, for the rapture of the Church. We arrived at this date through the following assumptions:
1) God's prophetic time-clock (for approaching Daniel's 70th week) resumed its countdown in May of 1948.
2) This basis year, combined with the most popular reckoning for the length of a generation (i.e. 70-years) brings us to 2018.
3) And if the remaining Jewish Feast Days also prefigure actual prophetic milestones, the Fall of 2017 will figures prominently.
4) Last, if the rapture of the Church precedes the tribulation by 7-years, the period between now and the Fall of 2010, frames the remaining window.
So to keep this time frame foremost in our thinking, a count-down timer has been established. Please see:
I anticipate that if our estimates are on target, we will rapidly see world events spiral toward what I'll describe as undeniable endtime developments. With this in mind, as the day approaches, I invite you to join me in redoubling our efforts to reach our world for Christ.
Roy J. Tanner